So, you’ve just gotten dental implants? That’s great news – these posts should restore your bite force over time. You’ll then get to enjoy a wide range of foods again! Even so, you’ll need to recover from surgery before that can happen. You’ll thus have to forego foods that could delay your healing. If you need help with that process, your Ramsey Dentist is happy to assist. Here are four foods to avoid after dental implant surgery and what to eat instead.
4 Foods to Avoid After Implant Surgery
Dental implants will let you eat all sorts of meals in the long run. Still, you can’t handle certain things right after the placement. You’ll need time to heal first – around 24 to 48 hours. During that period, your mouth will be too sensitive for certain foods.
In light of these facts, avoid these things for the first few days after surgery:
Hot & Spicy Stuff
While you heal, you’ll need to take hot and spicy stuff off the menu. Chewing these things would just irritate your surgical site. In particular, they’d upset the exposed nerves from implant surgery and cause intense pain. To prevent that outcome, you should refrain from salsa, spicy peppers, and scalding soup.
Dairy Products
In terms of risk, dairy products can seem quite harmless. However, items like milk and yogurt can inflame your treatment site. You’d then suffer further damage to your gums and teeth. Worse, you could also experience nausea and vomiting.
Chewy & Sticky Sweets
Sadly, chewy and sticky sweets should also be restricted. These tasty treats involve a lot of chewing – your jaw has to really break them down and swallow them. This use of your jaw can keep your gum incisions from healing properly. As a result, you’d have to wait longer to try out your new implants.
Hard & Tough Snacks
When your implants haven’t fully fused, their positions in your jaw are still unstable. Therefore, having tough foods would put them under excess pressure. Biting such things would cause soreness or even damage. So, it’s not yet time for apples, hard candies, and nuts.
What You Could Eat Instead
Given the foods to avoid after dental implant surgery, you may wonder what you can eat. Well, your best bet is to follow a soft food diet. You should thus consider items like:
- Vitamin-rich broths and blended soups
- Mashed pumpkins, potatoes, and bananas
- Scrambled eggs, salmon, and other soft protein sources
- Smoothies with no dairy
By planning out your meals, you’ll recover nicely from implant treatment. Talk to your dental provider for more tips on finding the right foods.
About the Practice
AV Dental Associates is based in Ramsey NJ. Led by Drs. Vahid, our practice will make your smile as great as possible. We thus offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative services, as well as emergency dental care. Our dental team can also replace your missing teeth with amazing dental implants. For more details or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (201)-962-8452.