What to Expect from Your Emergency Dental Appointment

August 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — avdentalramsey @ 4:17 am
Patient talking to a dentist

When you show up to a dentist’s office for an emergency dental appointment, it’s common to feel any number of different emotions—nervousness, anticipation, and even excitement at finally being able to deal with your painful toothache.

However, you might also be a little bit apprehensive, unsure as to what the appointment is actually going to entail. If you’re curious, here’s what you can actually expect from an upcoming dental emergency dental appointment.

Step 1: The Emergency Exam

The first part of an emergency dental appointment is the exam, where your dentist will take a look and your smile, dental work, and the quality of your bite in order to determine where the problem lies.

Of course, it’s often possible for you to tell your dentist what it is that’s bothering you. However, this may not give them a complete picture of what it is that you’re dealing with, as there could be aspects of your dental emergency that may not be immediately apparent to you. Moreover, it’s often easy for patients to mistake one problem for another, like confusing a dental abscess for a broken tooth.

An emergency exam is therefore going to be necessary if you want to be sure that you’re getting the oral healthcare you need.

Step 2: Treatment

Once it’s clear what the problem is, your dentist will then proceed to treatment. What exactly this will look like depends on the issue you’re facing. If you’re dealing with a toothache, a dental crown, filling, or root canal could be necessary. If your dental work has broken, they’ll have to take steps to replace it.

Ultimately, how long this will take and what you’ll need will vary from person to person. In any case, however, you can expect to get the dental care that you’re looking for without any issue.

Step 3: Aftercare & Follow-Up

Once the treatment is complete, you’ll need to adhere to the aftercare instructions laid out by your dentist in order to make recovery as easy as possible. This typically involves a follow-up appointment, which will allow your dentist to tell whether the treatment is effective or if further care is necessary.

As you can see, dental emergency visits are nothing to be afraid of. They’re the quickest and easiest way to make sure that your smile is in the best condition possible!

About the Author

Dr. Arash Vahid’s favorite thing about being a dentist is that he’s able to put his skills to use to truly make a difference for his patients. Being able to help members of his community be free from pain is always enormously rewarding for him. Dr. Vahid received his dental degree from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, then received an Advanced Education in General Dentistry residency through the NYU College of Dentistry.

If you have any questions about dental emergencies, he can be reached at his website or by phone at (201) 962-8452.

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